Thursday, 7 September 2017

Fooling The People; Fooling Own Selves!

Fooling the People is a developed Art and Science in the 21st century; the global population having first been dulled of intelligence by Mind Training to make them susceptible to Media and Marketing - external manipulation by Mind Control.

Positive Psychology to create Workers and Negative Psychology to break and fix Threats to Power is the Game of Power, the common tactic of Silent War. In the 21st century the Terrorists, real Criminals are engaged in FIXING THE WORLD their way, all powers unto the existing World Powers, Traders and Investors.

What I have caught is the biggest ever theft in all time World History, the attempted stealing of Whole Earth forever more, demonizing Islam and all religion, killing the Prophecy and attempting to eliminate me - the Prophet destined - by all means.

In the last, the attempt to Break/Fix Velezinee, Local and Global Powers failed, my public announcement on 21.03.2017 in The Hague that I am The True Mahdi foretold in The Hidden Prophecy, The Spirit returned as foretold in the Prophecy common to all World Religions of the End of Evil in the World and 1000 Years of Unbroken Global Peace 

It is a legal case unlike any before, and in the Answer is the Solution to the World Crises at this time, the Truth as to WHAT is Islam in the Answer WHO IS THE MAHDI and WHAT IS THE ISLAMIC STATE foretold in The Hidden Verses.

It is my allegation;
1. There are NO Satanic Verses and World Powers have STOLEN and are HIDING the Prophet Muhammad's foretelling of my rise to The Islamic State of Heavenly Bliss, The Final Awakening in Inner Self Growth to Enlightenment.
2. All Books of All Prophets are distorted, reversed out, World Powers taking over Religion and abusing for Power and Control of Others/People, disempowering the People.

Stealing Paradise Maldives, my Home State, is part of the Grandest ever Crime in World History, a 1300-Year Conspiracy to take control over Whole Earth forever more by killing Prophecy and eliminating Prophet at end of Time foretold by the Prophet Muhammad.

This is NOT a complicated case as the Answer is Divine, the Rise of the Prophet a Miracle foretold in The Hidden Verses. Unveiling the Hidden Truth is all it takes for The Truth to be established.

That is all I ask of the State of Maldives that declared War on Mahdi Aisha Velezinee Muhammad by issuing a Fatwa reversing Truth and using it to terrorize the population of Maldives, my mother in Male' Maldives suffering from the Hate and Terror created in the People by the State of Maldives and the Sheikhs while the so-called Democracy Champions remain deaf, dumb, blind, continuing with Politics of Diversion, yelling for elections and human rights in a Courtless, Lawless situation.

The Netherlands too is legally obliged to establish Truth on the Identity of The Prophet, Mahdi, to be found in the Divine Verses.

I am at this time trapped, a prisoner in The Netherlands, and I have no interest to remain in The Netherlands and am here only to seek The Truth through Court so that I can return home Safe and FREE to My Paradise, The Maldives Islands.

The Dutch just cannot believe I do not wish to live in The Netherlands, and it NOT the dream of every one to be Dutch!

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