Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Dutch live in Own Bubble World, Block All Facts that Do Not Conform to Dutch Opinion

No People or Person can know any better than they are taught and have seen and experienced, and the Dutch have never had A Democracy in 200 years of claiming to be A Democracy nor have they been taught to accept and respect others for who they are. 

The first step in the creation of A Democracy is to teach and instill Law and Order INTO THE PEOPLE, to empower The People, and that is not done in The Netherlands. Instead, the Dutch have created a highly Regulated and Ordered System managed centrally by Regulations and Orders upon The People. 

There is neither Law nor Order in those holding positions of power and to each is their own power, few hesitating to do wrong to have their way, the Conquerer Mentality of the Dutch still very much in existence in the Dutch in the 21st century. 

The Dutch are extremely limited in their capacity to understand anything outside own information and experience, and intolerant of the other. The Dutch way of dealing with new facts is to attempt comforting themselves and protecting own Bubble World by refusal to engage with what is unknown to them, and by attempts at labelling everything outside the very limited Dutch experience and Dutch information as insanity.

Dutch Democracy an Illusion in the Dutch Mind and the Dutch do not have the intelligence, the capacity to know their own reality, the fact that their Queen hold them all in Slavery for Life for Empire Building and have created a Bubble World in their minds, an illusion of Freedom and Equality that do not exist outside of their Minds. 

Democracy reversed for Effective Control of the Population, the Dutch live in their Own Bubble World, their sense of superiority a barrier to their own Self Growth.

The Dutch are Conquerers and the Conquerer Mentality cannot be easily discarded. For the Dutch to accept others as equals the Dutch must accept and deal with historical crimes of the Dutch Colonization.

There is no justification for colonization, encroaching upon land and resources of others and capturing human beings as slaves. Facing Truth is Crisis for the Dutch, and BLOCKING TRUTH TO PROTECT OWN MIND ILLUSION is the Dutch Way of dealing with crises.

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