The Heart is the UNIQUE POWER given to the Human Beings, the organ in the Human Body in which LIFE is protected.
It is the HUMAN HEART that has the capacity to Grow and Open, the Heart the organ of Natural Intelligence, Conscience - Awareness.
The HEART has the capacity to Grow and Open.
The Mind cannot Grow or Open and easily boggled, stressed, leading to MENTAL BREAKDOWNS.
Those who have risen above the Mind Trap and have accessed the Natural Intelligence of The Heart are FREE FROM THE MIND TRAP and Own Ego that imprisons those who claim Brain Power - the Intellectuals.
No Brain has Intelligence in it.
The World War of Intelligence is a long plotted Conspiracy against Natural Intelligence, Western Royalty imagining their Clever Brains can defeat God or Law of The Universe by ELIMINATING NATURAL INTELLIGENCE IN THE HUMAN BEINGS and taking over entire global population using Mind Control.
God, Law of The Universe, has defeated Man in their despicable Conspiracy to take Whole Earth into control and hold entire Global Population in Slavery forever more by putting all in The Mind Trap.
Wake Up and Free Yourself by demanding TRUTH hidden from you.
The TRUTH is in the confiscated Verses of Quran falsely labelled The Satanic Verses and used in Crimes Against Humanity by no other but the World Powers. The motive of Global Terror Attacks in the name of Islam/Islamic State is Killing The Prophecy; part of the Tactic of Silent War Against Global Population - Stealing Paradise and Freedom of The People promised to happen in The Prophecy.
The Prophecy has come True despite 1300 Years of plotting and well-planned War Against Prophet Muhammad, the last of All Prophets who taught The People the Way to Freedom via Conscientious Life and INNER SELF GROWTH TO WISDOM, ENLIGHTENMENT AND THE GROWTH OF WINGS.
To each is their own Hajj - the Journey of Life to fulfill the Soul Search, realise Purpose of Life and Rise to Enlightenment - Grow Own Wings.
There is no Heaven or Hell AFTER DEATH; and there is no way to buy your way to Paradise, flying on Jumbo Jets or Mega Maldives airlines!
The only flight to Paradise is on Own Wings. And the secret is that there is no escape from Earth, no higher life until you grow your own wings and rise an Angel. Till you raise yourself in Conscience, rise above all Animal in you and become Human, rise an Angel by practicing Humanity or Human BEING, you remain doomed to suffering on Earth.
Death as known in World is the departure of Life, the Soul from The Body. The Soul, Life Energy, remains and is reborn back at the level of evolution at time of Death - Monkeys reborn to Life of Monkeys, Donkeys born to Life of Donkeys, Greedy Pigs to Life of Pigs and so on.
It is up to the Individual to raise themselves to Higher Life, LOVE the Way for INNER Self Growth, and Higher Human Evolution.
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