Monday, 19 June 2017

12.06.2017 Velezinee Debut in Court in The Hague. Poor New Prophet is Trapped No Money & Summoned for No Rent Money

Poor Prophet Summoned to Court for Crime of Poverty. No Money. 

What to do? No Money! No Right to Money!
Poor New Prophet is Cleaned Out, Trapped & Summoned for No Rent Money

Poor New Prophet is  Cleaned Out, Blocked, Isolated and Trapped nowhere to go while in The Hague beginning from March 2016 to June 2016., By end of June I was A Poor Refugee, My Papers FORGED A Lost PhD Student by Professor Dr. Karin Arts Manipulation. She Stood A Wall Above Me AND IN EFFECT Attempted Abducting Queen of Justice and Saviour of The People of Maldives. At the Time I did not know I was going to Grow Up The Prophet, My Father strictly Firbidding any "looking into the Future" in Our Home, My Father's Heavenly Kingdom where I Grew Up first 10 Years of Bliss before Satan Maumoon Abdul Gayoom turned up 1978 and STOLE MY RELIGION, Islam, Banned All Happiness, Destroyed People and Nation and Made Himself God of All People and Things!

The Attacks included Loss of Safety and Security of Home, suddenly Big Business having bought the home I rented from a small home owner, small agency, having carefully considered my situation where from 2005 I find myself suddenly the Victim of informal attacks - my home and life taken away by The Powers that come and jump on me! 

In June 2016 Big Business took over My Home BECAUSE THEY CAN! 
In The Neherlands every one knows The Law and Their Right; NONE knows or Respect THE RULES in Application of The Law or The Concept of doing No Wrong to The Other in claiming their Rights. 

Only the Judges and Lawyers know basic principles and The Lawyers duty is getting Victory - no sense of Justice

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and outdoor
12.06.2017 Outside Court Building in The Hague after The First Ever Trial of The Prophet.  Poor Prophet has No Money No Lawyer and represented Own Person.

Queen was Blessed, Judge spoke English.  Transition - Court Practice #HappeningNow 

Poor Velezinee 

Velezinee is the Poorest Queen in The World, and the Target of The State from Age 18 when Velezinee completed O'levels in January 1986, joined for A'levels and dropped out of school to pursue The Dream of becoming A Writer/Journalist.

Velezinee is born and bred, groomed and grown in Waluganduvaru, the Queen of Self Government grounded in The Highest Principles of Life which do not create Fools or Tools of Power with The Slave Mentality to be manipulated for Satanic Purposes.

So it is Velezinee remained in Government from May 1986 to July 2005 - A Prisoner of The State who has NEVER been Accused of A Crime, NEVER been tried, but is constantly and systematically undermined and dislodged, moved at will of Power and exploited at will by Power.

The RULE OF LAW is never applied to Velezinee; and sooner or later All Powers go HIDING FROM VELEZINEE WHILE HIDING VELEZINEE THEMSELVES!

A Life Story. And now Summoned for No Money, for Not Selling My Courts. What An End to The World! 

Against All Odds; Velezinee Save The Courts for The People

On 26.07.2009 Velezinee accepted A Challenge by Head of Transition, then President Mohamed Nasheed to sit in The Maldives Judicial Commission and Save #Article285 The Courts if Velezinee wanted Courts.


Cabinet Secretary: "Hey Vel... You sit on JSC. The President has decided YOU sit".
Velezinee: "No. I cannot do it alone... #Article285 .."

Cabinet Secretary "President says, You must sit. There is no one but YOU who can hold up 9 men at the same time"

Velezinee: All right. Is the President with me?

Cabinet Secretary: Of course. You go in, do it, Save the Courts".

* * *

Velezinee took  Oath 26.07.2009 and did Duty of The State alone - And saved the Courts, defeating the JSC Supreme Court Justice Mujuthaz Fahmy, Speaker of Parliament and LOCAL FIXER Abdulla Shahid and going out through the Constitution systematically defeating The Full State.

The State fled from Velezinee and brought The Commonwealth to cover Court Stealing by The Local Leaders, Local Mafia.

* * *

As of 10.08.2010 it has been A Silent War

Mohamed Nasheed the Son of A Local Trader with a Family History of fighting for Power; recruited, groomed and SOLD TO WORLD by British Propaganda as The Local Mandela and taken around The World and Awarded Champion for SELLING OFF CONSTITUTION & COURTS to facilitate #StealingParadise is now out to Save Himself and party to Multiple Murders to keep the Public emotionally charged so he can play his Act.

* * *

In this Circus, Velezinee came to Full Self Realization and Ascended to The Position of The Prophet - finally getting The Answer to the #SilentWar Against Velezinee! A Life of Informal Action, denying Space to Speak and never giving recognition to Work of Velezinee but ABUSED and MISUSED as "Supporter of Nasheed"!

Nasheed is HALLUCINATING when he speaks of Velezinee being his Follower!

Velezinee walks The True Path, no Following Satan by any name: Maumoon, Yameen or Nasheed, or even Elizabeth, Trump and Salman.

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