Tuesday, 23 May 2017

22.05.2017 Divine Order Announced World Terrorist Islamic State is ABOLISHED by Allah..

22.05.2017 Divine Order Announced by Queen Aisha, Ruler of the Islamic State of Heaven #Hereafter

World Terrorist Islamic State is ABOLISHED by Allah

Whole Earth to SHIFT to Kingdom of Heaven. Paradise and Heavenly Life for All. 

On My Social Media. Facebook and Twitter @Velezinee by I, Queen Aisha Velezinee Muhammad, Ruler assigned by The Heavens - Astrological Birth Chart, THE WORLD TOP SECRET, in the very scary, Satanic Verses not available to The Believers in Islam or the Public. Still not, in the 21st century. 

Satan has remained a Terror despite Age of Reason, Age of Enlightement, Age of Science and Industrialization, and Modernization and the Coming of the United Nations Era of Globalization, Democratization and the Rule of Law. 

Therefore, I, The Messager of #Qiyamat announced:

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Satan has dehumanized and created A World beyond Saving. Caight in never-ending Terror and War. 

Qieen Aisha, Ghost of Maldives Transition, Angel of Paradise is to see A Smooth Transition 
#JudgementDay in The Hague

Any day. Allah, God, The Heavens knows. Queen Aisha do Heavenly Duty. Queen Aisha is NOT The Universal Force. 24/7 Heavenly Duty on #SeventhHeaven at Heaven's Gateway. The Hague, World Capital City for Peace and Justice. 

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